Liste Operations database A searchable database of all WFP's current humanitarian and development operations, with links to relevant project documents and information.
Publications | 06 Mai 2020 CERFAM and CIRAD formalize their partnership to fight hunger and malnutrition in West and Central Africa
Liste Communiqués de presse A list of the latest news releases by the UN World Food Programme (WFP), filtered by topic, country and year.
Liste Vidéos A list of the latest videos by the UN World Food Programme (WFP), filtered by topic, country, video type and year.
Liste Publications A list of the latest publications by the UN World Food Programme (WFP), filtered by topic, country, source, publication type and year.
Liste Histoires A list of the latest stories written by staff of the UN World Food Programme (WFP), filtered by topic, country and year.
Page thématique De l'énergie pour la sécurité alimentaire La plupart des aliments distribués par le Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM) aux personnes dans le besoin nécessitent une cuisson, tandis que l'eau potable doit souvent être désinfectée par ébullition.